Getting Invisalign in Olympia, WA

As an orthodontist in Olympia, WA, I have many patients ask me what treatment is best for them. There are many differences between Damon Braces, traditional braces, and Invisalign (invisible braces), but the end result is always the same: a healthier, straighter smile. If you're not sure if you want Invisalign or not, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you feel that having braces might effect your overall view of yourself? How will it effect this view?
  2. Do you feel that braces might be inconvenient? Does your schedule allow for you to come in once a month for tightening of your wire?
  3. How do you feel about brushing around braces? Would you prefer the opportunity to take off your braces while you eat and brush?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, then Invisalign might be for you. Invisalign offers an invisible option to straighten your teeth with clear aligners that you can remove while you eat and brush. If you're interested in Invsalign in Olympia, WA, contact my office for an initial consultation.

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